
You can collect and view feedback from your users for every page on all of your sites. Feedback is collected at the bottom of a page.

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Feedback form at the bottom of a page in your deployed site.

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Feedback form at the bottom of a page in your deployed site.

Selecting either the thumbs up or thumbs down will expand the form to show a text box in which users can enter their feedback for the page.

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Feedback can be viewed on the "Feedback" tab next to "All Sites" and "Settings" in Umbria's home. 

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Viewing Site Feedback 

All feedback is listed and labeled with a green thumbs up for a positive review and red thumbs down for negative review with the commentary next to it.

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An example of positive feedback on a page titled "New Page"

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An example of positive feedback on a page titled "New Page"

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An example of negative feedback on a page titled "New Page"

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An example of negative feedback on a page titled "New Page"

Change the site you're viewing feedback of from the dropdown to the far right of "Site Feedback".

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod.
Image alt text
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod.


Last Updated On 2024-03-18
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Last Updated On 2024-03-18
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You can collect and view feedback from your users for every page on all of your sites. Feedback is collected at the bottom of a page.

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Feedback form at the bottom of a page in your deployed site.

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Feedback form at the bottom of a page in your deployed site.

Selecting either the thumbs up or thumbs down will expand the form to show a text box in which users can enter their feedback for the page.

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Feedback can be viewed on the "Feedback" tab next to "All Sites" and "Settings" in Umbria's home. 

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Viewing Site Feedback 

All feedback is listed and labeled with a green thumbs up for a positive review and red thumbs down for negative review with the commentary next to it.

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An example of positive feedback on a page titled "New Page"

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An example of positive feedback on a page titled "New Page"

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An example of negative feedback on a page titled "New Page"

Image alt text

An example of negative feedback on a page titled "New Page"

Change the site you're viewing feedback of from the dropdown to the far right of "Site Feedback".

Image alt text
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod.
Image alt text
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod.


Last Updated On 2024-03-18}
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Last Updated On 2024-03-18}
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You can collect and view feedback from your users for every page on all of your sites. Feedback is collected at the bottom of a page.

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Feedback form at the bottom of a page in your deployed site.

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Feedback form at the bottom of a page in your deployed site.

Selecting either the thumbs up or thumbs down will expand the form to show a text box in which users can enter their feedback for the page.

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Image alt text

Feedback can be viewed on the "Feedback" tab next to "All Sites" and "Settings" in Umbria's home. 

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Viewing Site Feedback 

All feedback is listed and labeled with a green thumbs up for a positive review and red thumbs down for negative review with the commentary next to it.

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An example of positive feedback on a page titled "New Page"

Image alt text

An example of positive feedback on a page titled "New Page"

Image alt text

An example of negative feedback on a page titled "New Page"

Image alt text

An example of negative feedback on a page titled "New Page"

Change the site you're viewing feedback of from the dropdown to the far right of "Site Feedback".

Image alt text
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod.
Image alt text
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit sed do eiusmod.


Last Updated On 2024-03-18
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Last Updated On 2024-03-18
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Viewing Site Feedback
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