

Editor Tour

An overview of the editor to help you navigate the Umbria editor interface

Umbria's editor is divided into sections to aid in easy navigation and fast building. Explore each of these sections below!

Left Sidebar

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Umbria editor's left sidebar

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Umbria editor's left sidebar

The left sidebar holds all the tools necessary to build your documentation.

The left sidebar contains: 

  • Components: Drag-and-drop building blocks used to build your pages

  • Site Sections: Tabs used to divide and organize major parts of your documentation

  • Quick Links: Easily accessible links you want to provide to your end user

  • Pages: The list of all pages in your documentation

  • Hidden Pages: Pages you wish to be able to be linked to, but not viewed from page navigation by your end user

Center Workspace

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Umbria editor's center workspace displaying the page you are on

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Umbria editor's center workspace displaying the page you are on

The center workspace will display the page that is currently being worked on. It is where components selected from the left sidebar will be dragged and dropped onto.

Right Sidebar

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Umbria editor's right sidebar titled "EDIT COMPONENT"

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Umbria editor's right sidebar titled "EDIT COMPONENT"

Here you can edit and customize any of the component's features. This sidebar will display "No component selected" until a component is clicked on in the center workspace. Once a component is clicked on, or "selected",  this column will populate with features to edit about the component. 


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Umbria editor's Header

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Umbria editor's Header

The header contains many editor tools and settings

These include: 

Last Updated On 2024-03-17
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Last Updated On 2024-03-17
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3 min read



Editor Tour

An overview of the editor to help you navigate the Umbria editor interface

Umbria's editor is divided into sections to aid in easy navigation and fast building. Explore each of these sections below!

Left Sidebar

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Umbria editor's left sidebar

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Umbria editor's left sidebar

The left sidebar holds all the tools necessary to build your documentation.

The left sidebar contains: 

  • Components: Drag-and-drop building blocks used to build your pages

  • Site Sections: Tabs used to divide and organize major parts of your documentation

  • Quick Links: Easily accessible links you want to provide to your end user

  • Pages: The list of all pages in your documentation

  • Hidden Pages: Pages you wish to be able to be linked to, but not viewed from page navigation by your end user

Center Workspace

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Umbria editor's center workspace displaying the page you are on

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Umbria editor's center workspace displaying the page you are on

The center workspace will display the page that is currently being worked on. It is where components selected from the left sidebar will be dragged and dropped onto.

Right Sidebar

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Umbria editor's right sidebar titled "EDIT COMPONENT"

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Umbria editor's right sidebar titled "EDIT COMPONENT"

Here you can edit and customize any of the component's features. This sidebar will display "No component selected" until a component is clicked on in the center workspace. Once a component is clicked on, or "selected",  this column will populate with features to edit about the component. 


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Umbria editor's Header

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Umbria editor's Header

The header contains many editor tools and settings

These include: 

Last Updated On 2024-03-17}
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Last Updated On 2024-03-17}
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3 min read



Editor Tour

An overview of the editor to help you navigate the Umbria editor interface

Umbria's editor is divided into sections to aid in easy navigation and fast building. Explore each of these sections below!

Left Sidebar

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Umbria editor's left sidebar

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Umbria editor's left sidebar

The left sidebar holds all the tools necessary to build your documentation.

The left sidebar contains: 

  • Components: Drag-and-drop building blocks used to build your pages

  • Site Sections: Tabs used to divide and organize major parts of your documentation

  • Quick Links: Easily accessible links you want to provide to your end user

  • Pages: The list of all pages in your documentation

  • Hidden Pages: Pages you wish to be able to be linked to, but not viewed from page navigation by your end user

Center Workspace

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Umbria editor's center workspace displaying the page you are on

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Umbria editor's center workspace displaying the page you are on

The center workspace will display the page that is currently being worked on. It is where components selected from the left sidebar will be dragged and dropped onto.

Right Sidebar

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Umbria editor's right sidebar titled "EDIT COMPONENT"

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Umbria editor's right sidebar titled "EDIT COMPONENT"

Here you can edit and customize any of the component's features. This sidebar will display "No component selected" until a component is clicked on in the center workspace. Once a component is clicked on, or "selected",  this column will populate with features to edit about the component. 


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Umbria editor's Header

Image alt text

Umbria editor's Header

The header contains many editor tools and settings

These include: 

Last Updated On 2024-03-17
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Last Updated On 2024-03-17
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Left Sidebar
Center Workspace
Right Sidebar
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