Header Components

Header components can be used to title sections on your page. 

Image alt text

A header component available in Umbria

Image alt text

A header component available in Umbria

Changing Size of Headers

The size of the header can be changed. Highlight any part of the header text and click on the desired size in the toolbar. The size will change for the whole header regardless of the text that is highlighted.

Image alt text

The toolbar appears above the text that is highlighted

Image alt text

The toolbar appears above the text that is highlighted


All headers with the size toolbar will also have an anchor associated with it. This means the section can be linked to and will show up on the right sidebar. Check out our page about Anchors to learn more. 

Last Updated On 2024-03-23
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Last Updated On 2024-03-23
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Header Components

Header components can be used to title sections on your page. 

Image alt text

A header component available in Umbria

Image alt text

A header component available in Umbria

Changing Size of Headers

The size of the header can be changed. Highlight any part of the header text and click on the desired size in the toolbar. The size will change for the whole header regardless of the text that is highlighted.

Image alt text

The toolbar appears above the text that is highlighted

Image alt text

The toolbar appears above the text that is highlighted


All headers with the size toolbar will also have an anchor associated with it. This means the section can be linked to and will show up on the right sidebar. Check out our page about Anchors to learn more. 

Last Updated On 2024-03-23}
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Last Updated On 2024-03-23}
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Header Components

Header components can be used to title sections on your page. 

Image alt text

A header component available in Umbria

Image alt text

A header component available in Umbria

Changing Size of Headers

The size of the header can be changed. Highlight any part of the header text and click on the desired size in the toolbar. The size will change for the whole header regardless of the text that is highlighted.

Image alt text

The toolbar appears above the text that is highlighted

Image alt text

The toolbar appears above the text that is highlighted


All headers with the size toolbar will also have an anchor associated with it. This means the section can be linked to and will show up on the right sidebar. Check out our page about Anchors to learn more. 

Last Updated On 2024-03-23
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Last Updated On 2024-03-23
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Header Components
Changing Size of Headers
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